Join a week of community conversations about Lexington’s future - we need your voice at the table!
The Data is Out!
After 2 months of processing and coding, the OTT Participant Survey Data is ready to be viewed by the public.
Access the raw, anonymized survey data and codes here
Read our methodology of how the data was collected and processed
Download a CSV of the data here
View a draft summary report of the data here, or by clicking the image on the right

Who organizes On the Table?
CivicLex and a 30+ member Advisory Group are organizing On the Table. Members of the Advisory Group represent a range of community organizations and institutions. Advisory Group members also lead Working Groups, with open membership that anyone in Lexington can join.
On the Table Lexington is part of a national network of On the Table Conversations started by the Chicago Community Trust. For the past three years, Blue Grass Community Foundation led On the Table. In 2019, BGCF passed the project along to CivicLex.